Most holy Virgin Mary, for many centuries
you have made your maternal presence
felt in this community of the faithful:
hear the prayerwhichwe earnestly make to you
for the whole Church of Christ and in particular,
for our brethren of the Angelican Communion.
Give us, in your maternal love,
a deep awareness of our limitations,
that we may not be led astray by pride
in the humble service of our God.
Grant, our Mother, that we may find again the way to unity
in the mystery of the Redemption
which has been won for us by your Son Jesus,
who, clothed in the purple garment of his Passion,
offered himself on the Cross for his spouse, the Church.
Enlighthen our hearts with the light of the Gospel of truth;
pray, among the apostles in the upper room,
that your Son may send the Spirit of unity,
harmony and mutual forgiveness.
Gather once more all your children
around the portico of salvation
so that we may become one undivided people of the Covenant.
Mother, may that day soon come in which all of us, in harmony
may form a single flock under on Shepherd.